Legbar Chickens: Everything You Need to Know About the Breed

Legbar chickens

Legbar chickens were created at the University of Cambridge by geneticists M. Pease and R. Punnett. The work began in 1929.

Breed standards

Common to all Legbar Chickens:

-long back of medium width, slightly sloping towards the loin;
-wedge-shaped (triangular) body;
-wings tightly pressed to the body;
-cock’s tail is of regular shape, medium size, with wide long braids;
-proportionate small head;
-protruding rounded chest;
-comb is red, leaf-shaped, with clearly defined sharp teeth, erect in roosters, hens hang it slightly to the side;
-large dark orange or red eyes;
-neck is elongated, well-feathered;
-hens have a distinct crest on the back of their heads;
-rings are round red, earlobes are oval white, both are well developed;
-beak is yellow, strong;
-tarsus is the same color, naked;
-legs are of medium length;
-toes are spread.

Meat and egg productivity

Chicken begin to lay eggs at the age of 5.5–6.5 months. Eggs at this age are small, 40 g each, by the year the chicken is considered fully mature, their weight increases to 55-65 g.

Productivity depends on the feed – fat, clumsy Legbar chickens produce few eggs. With proper nutrition, hens produce about 220-250, maximum – 270 pieces per year. In private farms, where hens eat whatever they can, the figure often drops to 180-200 pieces.

Features of maintenance

Legbars need a solid heated chicken coop for keeping in the cold season. The breed is very sensitive to low temperatures.

Nests for laying hens are arranged at a height of 80 cm. These can be wooden, plastic boxes 40×40 cm, covered with straw or hay.
Pers for sleeping are located at a height of 1 m, 50 cm from each other, each chicken is allocated 20-30 cm. It is convenient to build perches in the form of a ladder.


The diet should not consist of only compound feed. It should be diversified with mash, fresh grass, fruit and vegetable waste. Shell rock, chalk, and limestone are given as additives.

Legbars drink a lot of water. It should be clean, fresh, cold. To prevent the liquid from getting dirty, drinkers are attached at the level of the hens’ backs, carried with feeders on different sides of the poultry house. The water is changed every day in winter, and twice a day in summer.

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