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The difference between hay and straw
Many people confuse hay and straw, considering them to be the same product, but in fact, these are completely different materials that have their own characteristics and uses. Let’s figure out their differences. In conclusion, hay and straw are not the same thing, although both materials are important in agriculture. Understanding the differences will help…
A complete description of the Silkie chicken
History of the breedAlmost nothing is known about Silkie chicken. Scientists assume that it appeared in China about 1000 years ago.Among the hypotheses about the origin of the Chinese chicken, the most popular version is about the crossing of the bird with a rabbit. The reason for such assumptions was the silky down that covers…
Ameraucana chickens
A hen that lays blue eggs. This is not a marketing gimmick, but a real description of the egg breed of chickens – Ameraucana. In addition to the spectacular blue shell, the breed has many advantages. Origin of the breedThe Ameraucana chicken breed was developed in the USA in the 1970s. Local breeds were used…
Bantams – features of breeds and keeping in a household
Biologists have found out that Bantams originated from a wild ancestor on the island of Java in Indonesia. They inherited their size from it. It is known that they were originally bred at temples and even used for sacrifices. What makes bantams interesting for household use? Bantams are good at brooding and raising chicks. They…
Australorp chicken breed – description
The black pearl of ornithology – Australorp chickens, were bred by Australian ornithologists at the beginning of the 19th century by crossing aboriginal birds with British Orpingtons, from where they quickly gained fame and spread throughout the world. Description of appearanceAustralorp chicken breed is a strong, stocky bird with a dense body weighing: male ~4…
Legbar Chickens: Everything You Need to Know About the Breed
Legbar chickens were created at the University of Cambridge by geneticists M. Pease and R. Punnett. The work began in 1929. Breed standards Common to all Legbar Chickens: -long back of medium width, slightly sloping towards the loin;-wedge-shaped (triangular) body;-wings tightly pressed to the body;-cock’s tail is of regular shape, medium size, with wide long…
Polish chickens
External characteristics of Polish chickens Since the Polish chickens is classified as a decorative type, its appearance is unique. Due to some features, the feathered beauty has become unlike any of its relatives. We will consider the main characteristics below. Puberty and egg laying The Polish chicken breed can reach sexual maturity at around 6-6.5…
Benefits of Soy Candles
Soy wax for candle making is one of the most popular waxes today. It is obtained from soybeans. First, the beans are pressed to obtain oil, after which the oil is hydrogenated to obtain wax. Thus, we get a product that does not contain toxic substances. Soy does not emit dangerous toxins when burned and…
Caring for chickens
Optimal conditionsFor normal wintering, chickens need warmth (from +10 to +18 degrees Celsius), long daylight hours (12–14 hours), enhanced nutrition, and a well-ventilated, not damp, and fairly spacious chicken coop (one chicken per square meter). HeatingThe best heater for a chicken coop is a convector with an electronic thermostat: it allows you to set the…