Polish chickens

Polish chickens

External characteristics of Polish chickens

Since the Polish chickens is classified as a decorative type, its appearance is unique. Due to some features, the feathered beauty has become unlike any of its relatives. We will consider the main characteristics below.

  • The main color is black. Almost the entire body of hens and roosters is covered with lush, thick black feathers, with the exception of a voluminous crest – it is white. The crest, according to the standard, should be voluminous and have a spherical shape. If the feather “cap” is small in size, or has some other shape, then the bird is rejected. There are 2 more varieties of color – blue and white, but there are very few birds of this type left in the world.
  • The head is small with a convex, wide forehead, a smooth face without bristles, red in color. The birds have small earrings, but they are hidden by abundant plumage. A characteristic feature is the absolute absence of a comb. The eyes are also almost invisible under the falling feathers, have a brown color.
  • The bodies are compact, with barely noticeable relief. The chest protrudes forward, due to which the body has a trapezoid shape. The shins are thin, and the legs are of medium length – colored gray-black, like the beak.
  • The Polish chicken breed of chickens according to the indicators of “live” weight in adulthood for the leaders of the flock is about 2.5 kg, and for the feathered ladies – 1.7-2 kg.

Puberty and egg laying

The Polish chicken breed can reach sexual maturity at around 6-6.5 months. The start of laying indicates that the workers’ bodies have formed. However, the beauties do not manage to establish laying right away. It takes about 3-4 weeks for the feathered beauties to establish a normal schedule and stabilize egg laying.

As for a decorative layer, the egg production indicators are quite decent. The average annual number of eggs produced is 140-150 pieces. However, this figure is only relevant for young workers, in the first year of active “activity”.

In other years, you should not expect more than 100 eggs from the winged beauties. The peculiarity of egg laying is that the eggs produced are very small – up to 50 grams each, and sometimes smaller. The shells are always white, and this applies to all varieties of hens.

Feeding an adult flock

Polish chickens have a very sensitive digestive system, so it is recommended to feed them wet food at least once a day.
Chickens get their nutrients mainly from grains. Balanced grain mixtures for egg-laying hens are used, which can cover the needs of laying hens. Industrial compound feed includes a lot of necessary components. The presence of vegetable and animal fats in the daily diet is very important. In the cold season, the amount of food is increased, and the laying hens are also transferred to another type of feed enriched with vitamins. As soon as spring comes and the winged flock can eat fresh greens, you can return to carbohydrate feeds, which will cover the energy needs of active birds.
Vegetables and root crops in the daily diet make up at least 30% of the total volume. It is recommended to serve them boiled, as part of mash or separately.

Maintenance and care of Polish chickens

It is impossible to grow winged Polish chickens in a confined space. The Polish chickens breed of chickens does not tolerate cage conditions, the hens value and love freedom and activity. A spacious poultry house and a walking area must be provided at the rate of 1 m2 per 2-3 individuals. In the chicken coop, you can arrange comfortable, high perches on which the inhabitants can relax comfortably, without disturbing each other and without crowding.
The difficulty in breeding is also in the fact that the winged family is not able to tolerate even slight cold, not to mention frost. Starting from late autumn, the birds should live in a heated poultry house, with a stable temperature maintained within 15-19 degrees. Walks in the frosty season are strictly prohibited, as they can have fatal consequences.
To maintain the decorativeness of the beauties, it is necessary to clean daily, monitor the maintenance of an optimal level of humidity – from 55% to 70%. Without ventilation in the winter it will be difficult to maintain such indicators, for this reason it is necessary to consider the issue of air exchange.

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